
May 24, 2024

From Internship to Offer:

Four Stories from Our Colleagues

Universe team

Recently, Universe Group has completed its Creative Marketing Internship 2.0, and we can confidently say that all efforts were worth it. 

A brief intro: This was our second time conducting the internship, and Creative Marketing Internship 2.0 had 9 interns. For over two weeks, they actively interacted with our mentors, had practical tasks, and gained knowledge that is not always available within academic programs. 

As a result of the internship, four students received offers and became our colleagues! So, we decided to ask them why they chose to intern, their impressions and insights, their previous experience, and what was useful in it. And, of course, we’ve asked for a few tips for future interns.

Mariia Kryvchuk

Former PR and Account Manager
Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, majoring in “Public Relations”

At some point, I realized that I wanted to push the boundaries in the field of marketing. So, when I saw the creative marketing internship, I knew I could use that. For me, it’s the perfect combination of creativity and analytics.

Considering my previous experience and work with image-building, I was surprised at the limitless space for advertising ideas for a creative marketer. Should I throw a phone into the water? No problem! The most memorable thing for me was the unofficial slogan of the Universe Team: “We need to test it.” And so we did.

As for experience, it was useful in the field of advertising, particularly in segmenting the target audience, working with it, and identifying its pain points. Basic marketing knowledge, understanding the "funnel," and trend analysis skills were also important. During the internship, everything was explained in great detail, so even without this knowledge, I would have figured it out.

My most important advice: There are no stupid questions. This is true. Ask if something is unclear; it’s perfectly normal while learning something new. Try to communicate as much as possible with your future colleagues. This will help you better understand the company’s corporate culture and get acquainted with internal processes.

In addition, mentor comments are your key to success. Read them carefully, and reflect on each of them because working on your mistakes is a significant part of the internship.

Nazarii Biletskyi

Former Media Buyer
Kyiv National Economic University, majoring in “International Business”

I don’t like monotonous work and have been searching for a niche where I could combine both creativity and analytics. Seeing the internship ad, I was truly interested but hesitant (I don’t recommend doing this with an internship at Universe Group!). The main push for me was my friends, who assured me this was what I sought. Today, I can confidently say they were right!

I was shocked by the high level of corporate culture development in the company. The way people treat each other, the working conditions, and various development opportunities — I had only read about all this in management and business books, but I had never experienced it firsthand. Getting acquainted with the Universe was one of the biggest insights. As for the creative marketing profession, my biggest surprise was that the smallest details could affect the creativity's success, and they need special attention. Sounds, colors, music, and much more — all this matters a lot.

Previously, I used to launch ad campaigns on social networks, so the work with creatives was minimal. But now this experience helps me, as I can view performance marketing from different perspectives. Ultimately, all the experience gained in previous positions was useful during the internship since the basics of marketing (market analysis, competitors, and various research) haven’t been canceled.

My advice: Don’t be afraid to generate bold ideas and unleash your creativity! Creativity is a skill that is needed in any field in today's reality. The search for unusual solutions and the ability to generate new ideas are needed by both marketers and financiers. Be active, too! 

Ask many questions during the internship, talk to employees about their work experience, immerse yourself in the corporate culture, and learn everything about it. This will help you stay in the work context and better understand your role in the company's activity.

Anastiia Yatsuba

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, majoring in “Marketing”

In November 2023, I participated in the Genesis Marketing Hackathon, where my team and I took 2nd place. That’s where I first encountered IT marketing, talked to Universe mentors, and started following the company on social media. I was very impressed by their values, atmosphere, and scale of work. After the hackathon, I was invited to interview at Wisey (one of the Universe Group businesses that creates an educational platform to improve productivity). However, I lacked the professional skills to get the job at that time. So, when I saw the internship announcement, I immediately thought I’d try. I wanted to gain practical knowledge from professionals in their field, and of course, the possibility of employment sounded very appealing.

During the internship, the most surprising thing for me was that at times there is no need for advertising to be aesthetic and evoke only positive emotions. For example, disgust, fear, or condemnation can sometimes capture a user's attention much more effectively.

This is my first work experience, and now I have quite an interesting task — to develop creatives for specific countries. I think it will be very exciting to learn more about the cultures and people of different nationalities, understand what catches their attention and why they will use our product.

What I would advise: Think big and don't limit your imagination. Experiment more, develop a keen eye, and at the same time, understand the causal relationship to know what works best and why.

Daryna Pyhtina

Former SMM Manager
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Psychology

About six months ago, I moved into marketing from the education sector and knew exactly that I wanted to work in an IT company. I'm immensely attracted to the vibe, the attitude towards employees, and the products these people create. I always wanted to work in a cool office, and Universe Group has it! I’ve known about the company for a long time as I studied the Ukrainian IT market, so there was no hesitation about whether to apply for the internship or not.

I rate the internship 10/10: it provided the opportunity to learn about the real work of a creative marketer and how the related performance and production teams operate. What I liked the most was the openness of everyone I communicated with and their willingness to share experience and help with any questions.

Before the internship, I studied performance and creative marketing independently because I wanted to decide which was closer to my interests. These two areas intersected perfectly during the internship, helping me better navigate and complete practical tasks. In my previous job, I created advertising creatives and collaborated with a team of designers and editors, which undoubtedly gave me a foundation for understanding the work stages of a creative marketer.

My advice: Look deeper, identify similarities and differences, and brainstorm boldly. And, of course, generate new ideas, as they can be successful and take the product to a new level.

We decided not to stop and have launched another internship for digital marketing managers, as this format is a cool opportunity for both young specialists and companies. We’ve found talented and motivated colleagues. The interns have gained relevant experience, tried their hand at product IT, and had the opportunity to make a new career move and switch to a new position.

Be with us, become our Universe!

Send CV or contact us at hello@uni.tech

For product-related questions — support@uni.tech

Be with us, become our Universe!

Send CV or contact us at hello@uni.tech

For product-related questions — support@uni.tech

Be with us, become our Universe!

Send CV or contact us at hello@uni.tech

For product-related questions — support@uni.tech