
Aug 27, 2024

Multilingualism and Multiregionalism:

How to Turn Website Localization into Global Success

Maksym Zolotyi, SEO Team Lead at FORMA by Universe Group

Hello! My name is Maksym Zolotyi, and for over 7 years, I have been helping companies create and develop effective and cool websites on a global level. Currently, I lead the SEO team at FORMA, a business that creates SaaS solutions for document management.

In this article, I will share my practical tips and experiences to help you enter new markets through effective website and product localization.

Definitions and Differences: Multilingual vs. Multiregional Website

I believe it's worth starting with the theory, as the difference between these concepts may not be obvious to many.  

A multilingual website offers content in multiple languages. For example, a Canadian company might have a website with English and French versions to cater to both language groups in Canada. This website does not necessarily account for geographical differences, focusing instead on the linguistic needs of users.  

A multi-regional website is targeted at users from different countries or regions. It adapts content by language and other regional characteristics, such as currency, addresses, legal requirements, etc. For example, a website might have separate versions for Canada and the USA, taking into account differences in products, pricing, or legal aspects between these countries.  

The choice of approach depends on the business's target audience and its strategic goals in different markets. In short, a multilingual website is focused on linguistic diversity without considering geography. A multi-regional website is oriented towards regional differences, including cultural, legal, and economic factors.

A Bit About the Advantages and Disadvantages of Website Localization

I believe there are more advantages, so let's start with them:  

  1. Market Expansion. Entering new markets ensures an increase in potential audience.  

  2. Conversion Increase. Users are more likely to purchase when receiving information in their native language.  

  3. SEO Improvement. Increased traffic due to optimization for different language queries.  

  4. Brand Strengthening. The brand is perceived as global and dynamic.

Disadvantages include the following:  

  1. High Costs. Translation and content adaptation require significant resources.  

  2. Management Complexity. Maintaining and updating multiple language versions requires additional effort.  

  3. SEO Issues. Possible content duplication and confusion with page indexing.

SEO Requirements for a Multilingual Website

For successful website localization, four main blocks of work must be completed: proper technical structure, hreflang tags, content localization, and usability and user experience (UX). Below, we'll briefly look at what each of these points involves.

1/ Proper Technical Structure

Clear and Logical URLs. Each language version of the site should have clear and descriptive URLs that reflect the page's language version, for example, pdfguru.com/ for English or pdfguru.com/fr/ for French. This helps both users and search engines identify the appropriate language versions easily.  

URL Consistency. Use the same format for all language versions to avoid confusion and facilitate website management.

2/ Hreflang Tags

Indicating Language Version. Use hreflang tags to inform search engines about the language versions of pages and their respective regions. This helps avoid content duplication and improves the relevance of search results for users in different countries.  

Correct Implementation. Ensure that all pages have correct hreflang tags indicating other language versions. This also applies to pages that do not have a localized version (use x-default).

3/ Content Localization

Adaptation of Texts and Metadata. Ensure that all texts, metadata, page titles, CTAs, and keywords are adapted for each region. Consider local cultural and linguistic characteristics, as well as popular user queries.  

Localization of Navigation Elements. Include localized menu elements, widgets, pop-ups, and breadcrumbs to ensure a consistent user experience.

4/ Usability and User Experience (UX)  

Convenient Interaction. Ensure intuitive navigation and ease of use for people from different language groups. This includes design adaptation and site structure to the characteristics of each language.  

User Satisfaction. Create a UX that meets users' expectations in each region, increasing their loyalty and improving conversion. This includes optimizing site loading speed for all regions.

How to Implement Multilingualism on a Website: Key Steps

Implementing multilingualism requires careful planning and the selection of appropriate technologies and approaches. It is important to ensure that each language version of the site is independent but simultaneously integrated into the overall content management system. So, let's move on to the step-by-step implementation process.

Step 1: Methods of Implementation and URL Structure Options

This table reflects the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to URL structure for multiregional websites. The choice of structure depends on the specific needs and goals of the web resource.

Step 2: Setting Up Hreflang Tags

This stage is significant for configuring the website, as hreflang tags help search engines understand which language version of the page to show users based on their location and language preferences.

2.1 Supported Language and Region Codes

The value of the hreflang attribute can consist of one or two values separated by a hyphen, for example, en-US. The first part defines the language code according to the ISO 639-1 standard, and the second is an optional region code according to the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 standard for the alternative URL.

2.2 Simplifying Language Code Markup

To simplify, you can specify only the language code. For example:

  • de — content in German for any region;

  • en-GB — content in English for users in the UK;

  • de-ES — content in German for users in Spain.

The required variant is chosen based on the country code if a language has several writing systems. For example, for users in Taiwan, the `zh-TW` code will automatically set Chinese with traditional characters. The script can also be specified explicitly using ISO 15924 codes:

  • zh-Hant — Chinese (Traditional);

  • zh-Hans — Chinese (Simplified).

If necessary, the region code can be added, e.g., `zh-Hans-US` (Simplified Chinese for users in the USA).

HTML Code 

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://pdfguru.com/"> 

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="ja" href="https://pdfguru.com/ja">

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href="https://pdfguru.com/de"> 

<link rel="alternate" href="https://pdfguru.com/" hreflang="x-default">

2.3 Configuring the Page Using the x-default Value for Users Without a Supported Language Version

The x-default value defines the default page on the site when the site does not support the user’s language or regional variant. This is recommended for pages that serve as a fallback option for users whose language settings do not match any of the localized versions of the site.

The language code is not specified in this case, as `x-default` indicates that the page is intended for users whose browser settings are in a language not used on the site.

2.4 Correcting Hreflang Attribute Errors

To diagnose problems with the hreflang attribute, you can use various third-party tools. Here are a few of them:

  • Hreflang Tag Generator by Aleyda Solis allows you to create and modify hreflang attributes.

  • Merkle SEO’s Hreflang Tag Testing Tool allows you to check hreflang attributes on site pages.

Step 3: Content

Content is extremely important when developing a multilingual website, as it conveys the main message to users and shapes their interaction experience.

3.1 Competitor and Search Traffic Analysis

Before creating a multilingual site, it is worth conducting a thorough analysis of competitors and the search traffic potential for the desired country. This will help determine which language and country to start with identify its potential, features, and the level of competition in the niche.

3.2 Semantic Core

When collecting a semantic core, it is important to consider the specifics and variety of keywords for different languages. For example, the simple phrase "merge pdf" can have different translations depending on the language: "merge pdf" or "combine pdf" in English, "unir pdf", "juntar pdf" — in Spanish, "pdf結合", "pdf統合", "pdf まとめる", "pdf合体" — in Japanese. Considering these features is important to achieve high relevance in different linguistic and regional contexts.

3.3 Translation and Adaptation

There are several approaches to translation and content adaptation:

Automated Solutions. If the budget is limited, you can use automated AI services like Chat GPT, Gemini, Copilot, Crowdin, or tools like Google Translate or Deepl. This will help evaluate the initial effectiveness and feasibility of the translation.

Professional Translation Services. To achieve high-quality translation, contacting local translators or agencies with professional experience in this field is recommended. Freelancers can be found on platforms like Upwork or Freelancehunt. This will help avoid many errors and misunderstandings, and improve user interaction with the site.

Key Translation Challenges

  1. Considering Cultural Differences: Cultural context is important for the perception of the text in different language communities.

  2. Translation of Slang and Informal Language: Slang is dynamic and context-dependent, requiring special attention.

  3. Adaptation of Grammatical Structures and Idiomatic Expressions: Direct translation is not always possible, but preserving the original meaning and style is important.

  4. Ensuring Translation Quality: Machine translation requires editing, so involving qualified translators and editors is crucial to high quality.

  5. Maintaining Style and Tone: The translator should convey the style and tone of the original, adapting it to the norms of the target language and culture.

3.4 Gradual Launch of a New Language

Launch language versions gradually, step by step. First, test and consolidate results for one language before moving on to the next. This allows you to optimize budget and resources, ensuring stability and quality of implementation. Overcoming these challenges requires better understanding of languages and cultures, creativity, and flexibility in the translation approach.

Step 4: Usability and User Experience (UX)

Creating a multilingual or multiregional website and localizing it presents developers and designers with several challenges related to usability and UX. Let's look at some of them.

Main Usability Challenges

  • Navigation and Site Structure

    • Clarity. Ensuring intuitive navigation for users from different cultural and language groups.

    • Consistency. Maintaining consistent structure and functionality across all language versions of the site.

  • Language Specifics

    • Text Display. Consideration of reading patterns, such as left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL).

    • Fonts and Characters. Using fonts that support all necessary characters for different languages.

  • Cultural Differences

    • Visual Elements. Adapting images, colors, and symbols that may have different meanings in various cultures.

    • Content. Ensuring cultural appropriateness of texts, considering local customs and traditions.

Main UX Challenges

  • Ensuring Consistency

    • Feature Integration. Ensuring the availability of the same features across all language versions.

    • User Experience. Maintaining a unified user experience across all localized versions of the site.

  • Accessibility

    • Localization of Forms. Adapting data entry forms (e.g., dates, addresses, phone numbers) according to local standards.

    • Support for Users with Disabilities. Considering accessibility standards for users with special needs.

  • Testing and Feedback

    • Testing with Local Users. Conducting tests with representatives of target markets to identify potential issues.

    • Collecting Feedback. Gathering user feedback for further website improvement.

Common Mistakes of Multilingual Websites

Of course, there can be many more such mistakes, but based on experience, I highlight four of the most common ones that should definitely be paid attention to.

1. Incorrect Use of Hreflang Tags: The absence or errors in naming language versions can confuse search engines.

2. Content Duplication: Using the same content across different language versions without adaptation.

3. Insufficient Localization: Failing to consider local peculiarities and cultural differences.

4. SEO Problems: Incorrect URL structure or insufficient optimization for different language versions.


To conclude this article, I emphasize that successful website localization is not just a technical challenge, but also an opportunity for businesses to enter new markets and strengthen their positions in the global environment. It is essential to approach this process with careful planning and attention to detail to avoid common mistakes and fully leverage the benefits of multilingual and multiregional solutions. 

At FORMA, we advise you to take the recommendations presented in this article seriously; by following them, you can create a website that meets users' needs in different countries and brings tangible results to your business. Remember, localization is not just translation but a strategic tool for global growth.

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