
Jul 17, 2024

Who is a Videographer in IT?

The Secrets of an Unobvious Profession

Valeriya Isakova, Creative Content Maker at Guru Apps by Universe Group

Hello everyone!

I’m Valeriya, and for the past year, I’ve been working at Universe Group as a Creative Content Maker for the business Guru Apps — an ecosystem of iOS applications used by 60 million people worldwide. My primary task is to make creative content for these mobile apps. Millions of users in over 180 countries view the videos I shoot daily. Today, I’ll share my professional path and explain why being a videographer in IT is a new and promising direction.

Is There a Place for Creative Professions in IT, or How to Earn from Your Hobby?

In 2021, after graduating with a degree in "Film and Television Directing," I wondered: do I really want to work in professional cinema? The film industry in Ukraine is currently underdeveloped and unpopular, with many existing projects at risk of closure. This led me to enter SMM initially, and after realizing that I wanted professional growth directly in filming, I was incredibly fortunate to come across Universe Group.

So, I came to an unequivocal conclusion: if you have a passionate hobby, that very fire will illuminate your professional path. Being a Content Maker in IT means doing what you love and earning from it. Generating ideas, shooting trendy videos on your smartphone, engaging in creativity, and being part of a cool team. All of this seemed like a dream to me just a year ago, but now it’s a significant part of my life.

Challenge Accepted

The main challenge for me was the subjective moral prejudice that strict limits and constraints exist on creativity in the IT sector. However, my concerns disappeared immediately after starting work.

Of course, there are certain limitations when working on creatives. For example, it’s difficult to fully express creativity when performing routine daily tasks. However, it’s important to demonstrate your creative approach even when executing freer tasks, propose your ideas, and develop them.

I have found that IT values innovative approaches and ideas that help create unique content. New concepts for creatives are often proposed and tested, requiring the videographer to exhibit creative thinking and approach tasks creatively. This has served as a stimulus for my professional growth and allowed me to fully realize my creative potential.

How Personal Creative Background Affects Creating Creatives in IT?

As they say, forget everything you know about fashion shoots when you start working as a content maker in IT, because different rules apply here. You become a part of a vast technological production where everyone is responsible for their part of the work and impacts key business success metrics. I often compare our team to links in one big chain.

Previously, the main focus of work was on the quality of the picture. The shooting process could take days on past projects, and editing revisions could take weeks. Priorities were entirely different, and shooting mainly depended on external factors: location, the team you work with, and the client.

Now, the shooting vector has changed drastically. Almost all videos in Universe Group are UGC content, which involves shooting here and now. This means minimal preparation. Initially, it was difficult to adapt to quick decision-making. The most important thing now is to shoot not just beautiful but effective content, which sometimes becomes a real challenge, referring to my background.



The work now feels like a constant challenge that requires speed, creativity, and flexibility. However, under such conditions, the true understanding of team strength and the importance of each frame comes.

As a result, it is in IT that I have gained the skills to quickly respond to changes in market trends and adapt the shot according to the preferences of potential users. However, I still use the technical knowledge I have previously acquired regarding frame composition, color, lighting, and camera settings before and during shooting. Therefore, I can say that the experience I had gained earlier played a significant positive role for me, which I adapted and reviewed through the prism of new requirements and challenges in the IT field.

How a Content Maker Helps Develop IT Businesses and Stand Out in the Market

Real video shooting significantly enhances the authenticity of content, which is particularly important in the IT sector, where the era of UGC (user-generated content) reigns, and viewers value transparency and truthfulness. It is a powerful marketing tool that helps stand out in the market, attract more customers, and strengthen the trust of potential users.

The main focuses of work in Universe Group are:

  1. Task Delegation to Increase Productivity. By delegating tasks, we focus on key objectives, increasing the number of creatives for advertising campaigns.

  2. Creative Factory Concept. A year ago, Yaroslav Morozov, CEO of our company, dreamed of making a "creative factory" where everyone is responsible for their own process.

It’s important to note that our marketing strategy uses UGC content, which allows us to engage the audience more effectively and increase brand interaction. Here comes the role of a content creator, who brings diversity into the world of animated and static creatives. That’s why the position of Content Maker appeared at Universe Group over a year ago.

The primary task for a content maker is to create content that grabs the user’s attention and makes them watch your creative piece. Spoiler: usually, this is rather ugly content, which is far from what we might call "beautiful" content. Our task is to hook the user within the first few seconds of the video using accent elements.

Career as a Videographer in IT: Necessary Skills, Tools, and Technologies

You don’t necessarily need extensive experience in professional filming to start a career as a Content Maker in IT. The most important thing is your desire and confidence in your skills. Adding your own, not necessarily professional, showreel or portfolio to your CV can be a great addition.

So, if you dream of working as a videographer in IT, pay attention to several key aspects.

Soft Skills

  1. Creativity. The ability to find unconventional solutions and props quickly, create unique content, and propose ideas.

  2. Communication. A videographer works in a team and often negotiates with colleagues about shooting. Effective communication and understanding others’ needs are essential parts of the profession.

  3. Organization. A videographer needs to plant their work time, shooting processes, and video material processing. Therefore, the ability to organize your day and keep everything under control is significant.

  4. Flexibility and Adaptability. The IT sector changes rapidly, and responding quickly to new trends, requirements, and technologies is important.

  5. Critical Thinking. Unpredictable situations often arise during filming. The ability to quickly find solutions to problems is a crucial skill.

Hard Skills

  1. Technical Proficiency. Knowledge and ability to use various shooting equipment: cameras or phones, lighting, and sound equipment.

  2. Video Editing. Experience working with video editing programs (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve).

  3. Graphics and Animation Work. Basic knowledge of Adobe After Effects or other animation and visual effects programs is a big plus, but not mandatory.

  4. Basic Color Correction Understanding. The ability to create a certain mood and atmosphere through color.

  5. Underpinnings. Knowledge of composition, exposure, and lighting basics to create visually appealing videos.

Combining technical skills with a creative approach is undoubtedly what is expected from a candidate. Therefore, if you have talent and a desire to develop in creative professions, the IT industry and our company can become the perfect launching pad for realizing your ideas and potential.

Be with us, become our Universe!

Send CV or contact us at hello@uni.tech

For product-related questions — support@uni.tech

Be with us, become our Universe!

Send CV or contact us at hello@uni.tech

For product-related questions — support@uni.tech

Be with us, become our Universe!

Send CV or contact us at hello@uni.tech

For product-related questions — support@uni.tech